Kent Junge, Black Comedy.jpg

The Beginnings of our Beloved Fest!

     One-Act Fest NW began in the 2014-2015 WICA season, with our passion to give to the viewing audience a bevy of emotional and thought-provoking performances in one incredible evening.  From laugh riots of the absurd to intriguing character studies, our experiment launched into the open arms of a delighted community.  If you caught one of the previous Fests, you got the chance to laugh uproariously one moment, hold back tears the next, and leave the theater pondering deep questions of the human experience.

     Click here to See what the fuss was about in 2015.


     Remember the deeply personal tales of 2016...

     We shared a vision to further nourish Whidbey's artistic spirit, planning to expand the Fest into more venues and times, with more to present, more local collaboration, greater opportunities for local artists to learn and to get their work heard and seen, and with more chances for the community to engage through discussions and workshops.  Many months of dedicated dreaming and effort are bringing this about.

     Draw back the curtain on this year.
     where are we headed in future seasons? click here.

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