New! Stories with up to 500 words to be presented.
Short Story Smash is for flash fiction. Original and published works will be considered. Well-dressed rhetoricians with enviable elocution will read your fabulous story(ies) to a rapt audience. Submissions will be considered anytime up to August 01. Don’t procrastinate as the early worm catches the bird. The editorial staff reserves the right to choose and present stories. A special prize will be awarded to the winning submission that is exactly 100 words long.
Lastly, edit your work. Edit again. Re-edit. Have someone else read it. Simplify, be empathic, eschew obfuscation—if we don’t understand it, it might not get read onstage. Send no more than three (3) submissions as .doc or .docx files to Chris Spencer.
$20 | All Seats